When Was The Last Time You Googled Your Business?
Whether you’re a marketing executive, a business owner, or a manager, we all work day in and day out to build brand visibility and stay top of mind in consumer thought processes. We obsess over social media, stress over production, and pull our hair out trying to re-develop a strategy countless times. In the midst of all of this, sometimes we lose sight of the basics – the things that may seem irrelevant, but are really the bread and butter of modern marketing and advertising.
When was the last time you sat at your desk and typed your company’s name into a search engine? It seems too obvious, but it’s a basic activity that is often overlooked. Were you surprised by the results? Did you like what you found? We spend endless hours online every day, but for a majority, awareness of our digital presence is often fairly low.
Being fully aware of your online presence includes the following things:
- Knowing exactly how many search results populate with your business name
- Awareness of both positive and negative company reviews
- Keeping a pulse on trending content
- Knowledge of ranked keywords
- Knowledge of competitor’s ranking and presence
In today’s highly technical world, the internet is becoming increasingly more crowded. As a result, it is also much more request-based. Individuals search with intention and have high expectations for quick, convenient, and helpful results. Maintaining a highly-visible online brand begins and ultimately ends with search engine best practices. For many modern consumers, Google is the be-all and end-all for purchase decisions. Basically, if you don’t exist on Google, you don’t exist at all.
You should take the time to regularly Google your business and evaluate the results. The digital world is constantly shifting and to be aware of those shifts, you have to be proactive and stay educated. A reputable online presence takes time, attention to detail, and consistency. When someone searches for your brand, this is what they should find:
- Search results – Well duh, right? However, search results are an instant barometer for your brand. First impressions are crucial.
- Content – Blogs, articles, newsletters, etc. demonstrate expertise. They also create differentiation.
- Testimonials – People trust other people much more than they trust a company. Help initiate that connection by providing sources to help build trustworthiness.
- Contact Information – Ideally, if you want people to search for your company you want them to be compelled enough to contact you.
Bottom line: If you don’t own your name on Google, you’re losing opportunities. Mentally Google your company right now. What do you want to see?